Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Superrrr New!

Hey I'm also super new at this whole blogging thing haha So I don't really know what I'm doing or even how this whole "following" thing goes....so please bare with me! And if you have any advice I would loooove to hear it! Please help :] Hopefully I'll get it all down soon! Can't wait to keep on blogging!

Fat or fab?

I am outraged.  I just read and article about how people are now calling Miley Cryus fat....REALLY? This girl is 18 and is looking like a normal girl who is probably just now getting "woman" curves.  It is nonsense that the media is now criticizing how she looks.  Yeah, I may not the biggest Miley fan (but I will most definitely sing my heart out to Party in the U.S.A.), but I do love how she tells the media to shove it every time they critique her.  On her twitter page she posted a picture of Marilyn Monroe and stated, "Proof that you can be adored by thousands of men even when your thighs touch." Marilyn was a size 10, not 2.  She had beautiful curves that men adore and i love that she inspires me to love my curves. 

Those body bashers are the reason so many girls decide to stick their fingers down their throats or skip meals.  I know when I was in high school I decided I hated how I looked because it wasn't the norm and all of my friends were tiny girls.  And because I felt overweight, even though I was normal, I tried extreme measures to be thin and have "the perfect body."  Thank god I love chocolate and other foods so much because that helped me keeping eating and throwing up is gross.  

New beginnings...

I want to be a writer, but there is always that fear of people not liking your work...thankfully college professors break you in a bit when they give you your first C paper.  Yet in the back of your mind you still have that insecurity.  With this new blog i hope to find an outlet for what's on my mind, whether it be my opinion on things or new shoes I'm dying to buy! I can't wait to start and already have a little something that's a work in progress that my roommates inspired me to write:

Why do women bitch?
     First off, it’s not just women who complain.  Men do it too, but they aren’t as outspoken about their annoyance.  Us women, we have a need to share our every thought and want people to understand why we are complaining along with our listeners agreeing with us wholeheartedly.   If our boyfriend is flirting with the “work whore”, we want to be able to drone on about how her hair is ugly and her tan is fake.  “She probably won’t even get a real job and if she does it’s because she’s banging the boss”—harsh, but our true “reality” of the situation. Half the time we bitch about miniscule stuff that we build up in our head as high as Mount Everest.   My pants are too tight, I eat too much, my advisor who’s supposed to help me figure out what to do with my life doesn’t give a damn…all small stuff.
     But one of the worst parts about our bitching? No one else cares besides us.  It is the one moment that we love to hear our own voice and ignore everyone who is listening.  Subconsciously we all know they aren’t interested in what we have to say anyway.  I know I’ve done it and I sure know what it’s like being on the receiving end believe me.  I have lived with four other girls the past 3 years and not a day goes by that one of them doesn’t come home from class and drone on about their professor or fellow classmates.  Then just wait until they go home for a weekend….trust me, it’s worse.  But the constant squealing of my roommates’ voices don’t make me love them any less because they are the best girl friends a person could ask for.  Besides, they get to the privilege of hearing all the things that bother me as well.